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Did your mom speak love and truth into your heart? Did she tell you what you needed to hear? As my daughters live out their teen years, I want to make sure they hear what God says about them. I want His words to be louder than any other voices they come across. I want my girls to know who they are and whose they are. This is a letter I wrote my girls. If you didn’t have a mom who was able to speak this over you, read it as a letter to yourself. If you have daughters, use this as a template to speak truth and love into them. We all long to hear the words we are loved, we are beautiful and we have what it takes. Be Blessed!


Dear Daughter,

You are my girl! I am so grateful God chose me to be your mom!! You are a blessing and I delight in you! 

As you enter into your high school years there are a few things I want you to know and believe. Truths that I want you to hear and plant deep into your heart. As you know, the world has many messages that it is trying to cement into your mind. The world wants to dictate who you are, but I want to remind you of what God says about you. I pray that you will run every message you hear through the Word of God before you decide whether to believe it or not. 

Truth About You!

You are Beautiful! 

God made you exactly how He wanted. He did it perfectly and on purpose! He also made you different from anyone else because you have a role to play in this world that only you can do. Embrace your uniqueness. God knew exactly what personality, body shape and giftings to give you. Don’t be ashamed or frustrated with who you are, instead take those feelings to the Lord. Let Him reveal to you the purpose of His design. Remember God makes no mistakes! Love your beautiful self!

You are God’s Daughter! 

God formed you and therefore He is the only one who has the right to name you! Everyone will have an opinion of you- some will be correct and others will not. When someone speaks a word or name over you, take them to the Lord. Ask Him to reveal what is true and what to throw away. When someone criticizes you or speaks a blessing over you, ask the Lord to show you what is true in that statement and what is false. Release the false statements and declare that they have no place in your life. If they are true, write them down so that when you are in doubt you can remind yourself of what God says about you! 

If it was a criticism, ask Him to reveal to you things that you can work on and things that you should change or do better the next time. Then ask Him for how to work on those and take steps to get better. If the comments bring you shame or guilt they are not of God. Release them and the power they have over your life. Remember God’s discipline brings us towards the Lord and brings healing and wholeness. Seek truth!


Truth About God!

God is all you need! 

Family, friends and later a spouse are wonderful, amazing and needed but God is truly all you need. Let me explain. God created us for relationship. From the very beginning He knew that it was not good for us to be alone. God created Eve for Adam to be a help mate. He gave them a family. God created us to be in relationship with humans and with Him! 

God handpicked you to be in our family. He placed us in the community of believers that we do life with. People are needed and wonderful, but we are all humans. Every one of us will fail you and disappoint you at some point. We will make mistakes and hurt you. We are also unable to provide for you everything that you need, we are limited. 

BUT God is perfect- He will NEVER fail you. God is the only one that stays the same yesterday, today and forever. God is the only one you can count on 100% of the time. His resources are unlimited! He is the only one with perfect wisdom and love. Make sure He has first place in your life. Go to Him first for all your needs, wants and desires. Allow Him to fill you with peace, joy, wisdom and love. Invite Him into your daily life. Allow Him to lead your steps. Then after you get all that you need from God, enjoy the blessings of family and friends. Let us be the cherry on top, the extra and overflowing blessings in your life. 

God is always there!

God promises to NEVER leave us and to always be right by our side. At times God will feel distant, like maybe He doesn’t care or even want to be near you. Sweet daughter, the truth is God sees you! God hears you and cares about you! God loves you and is ALWAYS near! When Jesus went to heaven, God sent us the amazing gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is inside of you, constantly with you. He will provide you with the comfort, healing, wisdom and joy that you need. Train your ears to hear His voice. Train your heart to believe what He says. Allow your mind to think like God thinks. Then be obedient to do what He has led and called you to do. Even when His prompting does not make any sense. Trust that He knows best! 


Truth About What You Need to Be!

Be Teachable!

I’m not perfect, you are not perfect. We are ALL learning and growing. To truly live out our calling we have to be teachable. To be teachable, you have to be humble. I love how a pastor once defined humility: “Knowing who you are, nothing more and nothing less.” It is okay to be imperfect. It is okay to make mistakes. What matters is not did we make a mistake but what we did with the mistake. It is important that we own our mistakes and learn from them. There is freedom in asking for and receiving forgiveness. 

When we take our mistakes to the Lord we can ask Him for wisdom on what to do next. Sometimes it is a lie we are believing that He can uproot and speak truth to. Sometimes it is a habit that we need to break. Other times it is just simply something we didn’t know. Ask the Lord to help you in this process. He knows exactly how to help you learn from this experience and become a healthier and more whole version of yourself. Reframe the word “fail” to the words First Attempt In Learning. It may even be our 2nd or 3rd attempt but with each try, look at it as an opportunity to grow and become more like Christ. 

Don’t stay in cruise control. There will be times in life when things are going smoothly. Nothing bad is happening and you find yourself in a good rhythm. Be grateful and thankful for these times! But stay on alert. Don’t allow yourself to fall into complacency or just go through the motions. Seek the Lord and ask questions. What do you want me to focus on in this season? What do you want me to learn about you? The Lord may have word for you that He wants you to explore? Maybe there is an aspect of God that He wants you to learn more about. Always be in a state of learning and growing. God knows what is ahead of you in life and He is a good, good Father and wants you prepared and ready. Ask Him how to prepare for the next season of life and then be faithful to dive in and learn.

Be Resilient!

Resilience is the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. Difficult conditions can be a disappointment, defeat, mistake, trauma or challenges. These unfortunately are all a part of life. We live in a fallen world. The Bible tells us we will have trials and temptations that we will have to overcome. Challenges are a part of life and they can either break us or make us stronger. 

We believe life is an adventure. To have a true adventure you need roadblocks and hiccups along the way. We however can’t let those detours stop us from completing the course. It is important that when they occur we pause and seek the Lord. Don’t back down from trials but instead suit up and arm yourself for battle. We need to remember that Jesus has already overcome everything that we could ever face. We need to just join His army, put on the armor of God and be ready and willing to fight. Sweet victory is available to us if we just get up and fight. Remember with God you can overcome everything life throws at you. Each battle will make you more confident in your faith and stronger in your ability to live like Jesus. 

Be thankful! 

Living with an attitude of thankfulness is really the best way to go through life. With God we have everything that we need. Honor God and give Him the credit for all that you have. Keep a journal of all the times God has stepped in and provided or cared for you. Make it a habit to remind yourself of these times. It will help build your faith and sustain you during the next trial in life. Being thankful helps you fix your eyes on what is true, honorable, right and admirable. It will bring your peace, joy and love and will be infectious to those you are around.


Remember sweet girl, You are beautiful! You are not a mistake! You are chosen and dearly loved by your Father God and by your dad and I. God created you on purpose for a specific purpose. He has a calling on your life that only you can fulfill. While your dad and I will always be here for you, rest in the confidence that God is all you need. He promises to never leave you and to always give you what you need. Stay humble, teachable, resilient and thankful. Always remember you have what it takes to overcome or accomplish anything in this life because you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you! You are blessed and you are a blessing! 

Love, Mom


What words did you need to hear has a girl? What words do you purposefully speak into your own daughters? Share your thoughts below.

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