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Kids face a lot of the same things that we did when we were kids, but now they also have to navigate these good and bad things at a faster speed with more access.  Good news travels fast, and so does bad news. They can have instant access to everyone.  So that’s where we come in!

Have you ever read the book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie?”  In the book, the mouse is never satisfied and keeps asking for the next thing.  Today’s post about phones and technology could be called “If You Give a Kid a Chainsaw.”  If you give a kid a chainsaw, you’d better provide some adult supervision while you teach them how to use it!  Just like a chainsaw, a phone or tablet or laptop or TV is an incredible tool.  And just like a chainsaw, technology can cause a lot of damage if it is not used carefully.  Most of us can not afford to get rid of our technology, so we will need to help our kids keep themselves safe in this new environment.

Start With Me

We may sound like a broken record but with anything in parenting it first starts with an honest evaluation of yourself.  I have to ask myself: “What are my technology habits? Do I set an example that I want my children to follow?”

From there, we can think about the problems that technology may create for me, and for my kids:

Technology can get in our way of connection with God.  We train our brains to be distracted by the constant entertainment, so we aren’t able to stay focused in real life.  We crowd out all moments of quiet, so we don’t leave time to pause and actually be able to hear from the Lord.  (Have you checked your Screen Time lately?)  Ultimately, technology just takes up time that we could use deepening our relationship with the Lord.

Technology can also get in the way of our connection with others.  We can start to get out of practice with the art of conversation and real life friendship.  We have to help our kids learn how to make eye contact and carry on a full conversation.  (see our How To Talk to Strangers post)

Technology can interfere with You being fully You Sometimes being bored is the beginning of creativity.  Maybe that’s why you think of things in the shower or when you’re on a run…your mind can actually wander and reflect for a moment.  The dopamine rush of social media and fantasy football and email and chats and knowing everything distracts you from things you really wanted to do, and it doesn’t leave time to explore new things or dive in deeper to hobbies and interests.

Oh, and it gives us access to every wicked and evil thing in the world, and gives them access to us.  (Remember, the World is not neutral.  It’s out to get us, and our little kids too!)

So what do we do???

Protect Time- create situations where they crave human interaction more than their technology

  • Protect God time: Make spiritual time a priority…corporate, family and individual time
  • Protect Meal Time: no electronics at the table. Focus on connection and conversation.
  • Protect Bedtime: no electronics in their room. Have a central location for docking everything.
  • Protect Family Time: make it a priority, focus on building relationships, and eliminate distractions.

Guard their hearts- our job as parents is to guard their hearts until they can do it themselves

  • Put guards on technology
  • Guards don’t block everything so put rules on technology
  • Help them crave things that actually fill their souls
  • Help them to guard their own heart
    • They need to believe that only God’s opinion matters. They do not need the opinion or approval of others. We want our kids to know they are unconditionally loved and accepted by God and us as their parent.
    • They need to know we are called to be set apart for God. We are called to be different. God made them unique-God made them on purpose for a purpose. He doesn’t want them to look like anyone else!

We live in a world that is dependent on technology.  It’s just a tool, and it can be used for good.  As parents, let’s equip our kids to handle it safely! 

Here is a list of resources that can help you:

See these posts for some of our other thoughts and favorite resources about walking with your kids through the dangers of childhood:

Guard Your Heart: Movies and Video Games

Stranger Danger!

5 Key Tips for Safe Conversations with Kids

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