Lent 40 Day Devotional




I think the simplest way to explain Lent is to say that it’s like Advent for Easter.  Instead of living our lives at 100mph and then screeching to a halt on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we can take these 40 days to prepare ourselves. This devotional leads you through 40 days of reflecting on Jesus’ last words to His disciples, as captured in the book of John.  Each day has a Scripture, reflection questions, a prayer, and extra verses for reference.  The weeks leading up to Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter provide a time to Repent, Refocus, and Respond.  We have found that it is very rewarding to invest these 40 days in preparation.  Will you join us?

(Technically, there are 46 days of Lent, so you have some grace built in.  You can miss a couple days and still be ready for Good Friday!)